Friday, October 18, 2013

Sneak Peek: The Wallace Family

I have been dying for this photo shoot for several years now.  Finally, the time has come!  This is one of the nicest and best families I know (and they are adorable).  Melissa, I don't know how you keep with 5 kids and still manage to look so beautiful, smiley and skinny (and seemingly non-stressed).  You (and Josh) both have a light inside that brings out the best in those around you and I admire that.  Your kids are amazing and it is easy to see that God is a priority in your family.  I know you are only two years older than me, but when I grow up...I wanna be like you!

So when we chatted about our upcoming photo shoot, Melissa said that she got a Christmas card last year where the family was all on a vintage couch in the middle of a field and she wondered if we could try it.  After some finagling, I was able to find this cool chaise and with a little (okay, a lot) of help from Josh and Jackson we hauled this chaise all over Bear Creek Lake Park.

 Seriously.  Aren't these the cutest kids EVER?  And if you have should lock them up because Jackson is a seriously good looking freshman!
After I was done with the session (a record for a family of 7- but they had a date wonder they were in a hurry to get out of there), I wandered around the Park to view the damage that had been done 4 weeks ago during the flood.  They held back Bear Creek to prevent damage down stream so Soda Lakes rose over 50 feet!  You can see the extent of the damage.  Keep in mind, this is 4 weeks AFTER the flood waters and there is still a TON of water.

I am looking forward to having my own family pictures taken here on Sunday (not right here, but within the park).

For more pictures of this amazing family (and other families), visit my website or my Facebook page.

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