At the beginning of the year, I set some goals for myself and for my business. One of my goals this year was to photograph a birth. Mid-year I was revisiting my goals and decided it was time to do something about this goal so I advertised on Facebook. One of my favorite clients took the bait!
I have had the joy and privilege of documenting the lives of the McKelvey Family for the last 2 years or so. I was so excited that they were going to allow me to be a part of such a special moment in their life. Becky was a little nervous that I would get grossed out until her wise husband pointed out that not only had I given birth 3 times, but that I had three boys and I have probably experienced many more gross things than childbirth. True dat, Brian. I have caught poop in my hand, cleaned poop off of the floor (and myself), cleaned up puke that was chock full of Cheetos and had been tracked through and slipped on by a bigger brother.....and many other gross things. Not a whole lot grosses me out. She also requested no "crotch shots". Duh. I planned on being at the other end!
As time drew nearer I made sure that my ringer was turned up on the phone and that it was right by my bed at night so I would be sure to hear it. I couldn't wait. On Wednesday before her due date, Becky went to the doctor and scheduled an induction (she went 10 days late with Aidan and wasn't about to do that again!). They scheduled it for Friday, Sept. 12th (her due date). She kept me informed throughout the day and things were progressing very slowly (as the did with #1). About 4:30 she told me she was dilated 5 and they were going to break her water. The nurse was going to check on her in about 2 hours so I figured I had time. My plan was to wait around a bit (until rush hour was over) and then head down to the hospital. Bad plan!!! I got an urgent message about 45 minutes later that she was fully dilated and ready to push. Uh oh. I was a good 30 minutes away and it was the height of rush hour.
I rushed out the door and prayed/teared up the whole way there. I knew I was going to miss it. My much anticipated inaugural birth photography session was ruined. I made it to the hospital in 25 minutes. What????? There was some divine intervention in that (and the fact that I might have been going a little bit fast....but I was going with the flow of traffic). I got to the hospital at 5:48. Six minutes too late. But I only really missed ONE important picture and that was Noah's first breath. I did, however, have the honor of being a part of an incredibly special day. The next three hours flew by as I watched, observed and captured the first few hours of Noah's life. I am still a bit giddy about the whole experience.
Sorry for the slew of pictures, but I had a hard time narrowing it down.
This is the scene that I walked into at 5:48.
The first phone call to family.
I love this picture. Brian laying on Becky's chest just taking in the moment, is so beautiful.
Daddy getting to hold his son for the first time. I love the wrinkles and the raw emotion.
How big is he? The nurse made us all guess. I thought he looked pretty big so I was going to guess over 8 pounds, but the two nurses thought he was around 7, so I changed my guess. I should have stuck with my original. This kid is a porker! 8 pounds 10 oz.
Noah got a little chilly and had to hang out under the heat lamp for a bit. Brian was simply enamored with him. It was beautiful to watch and document.
Then it was time for big brother to make his entrance. It was such a joy to watch Aidan meet his little brother. He was adorable and so good with baby Noah!
Another favorite.
When bath time came (they did it right in the room, which was so nice) Aidan didn't like that Noah was crying, so he grabbed his hand and was talking to him. Precious.
I love the greased pig look of this picture. See what I mean about being a porker?
Once Noah was all bundled up, it was time for a few more pictures.
After Becky finished her much deserved dinner, the whole family had a chance to hang out together.
I love this one. I would like to caption it "what have I gotten myself into".
Examining him.
First picture as a family of 4.
It was fun to be able to document Brian's parents meeting Noah for the first time as well.
I love that Brian's dad just grabbed Noah and immediately started having a conversation with him.
And this one.....
After I took this picture, it was time for them to move the family to another room and it was time for me to go home.
I made it all the way to the parking lot before the sobbing started. I am not much of a crier, so this took me by surprise as it wasn't just a tear rolling down my face. It was the big ugly sobs. However, there is a bit more back story.
September 12 marks the anniversary of the death of my father-in-law. 7 years ago he went to be with Jesus under surprising and mysterious circumstances. It took us all by surprise and left a huge hole in our family as he was one of the most amazing men I have ever known. Time heals but it still hurts, especially on significant days. Our family usually gets together, has a meal and walks the creek in Golden (one of John's favorite things to do). This year, I missed it. Instead, I was watching a new family form.
Death tends to bring new life. And walking out of the hospital that night I couldn't help but feel the full weight of the death of a man that I loved so dearly contrasting with the indescribable joy that only a new baby can bring. It also felt a bit like my sweet father-in-law was helping me reach my goals and giving me a high five. Little Noah was born, almost to the minute, 7 years after I got the most horrifying phone call of my life. Thanks to God for pairing one of the most painful days of my life with one of the most exhilarating.
And thanks Becky and Brian for letting me be a part of one of the most important day's of your lives. I cherish it.
And I can't wait for the next birth I get to document. Any takers?